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Black, Gray, and White-Box Pentests: how to choose the right one for you business

min read
December 6, 2024

We know that pentesting, or penetration testing, is a key element in cybersecurity, while it stands out as the most efficient approach for long-term system protection, guarding against a variety of cyberattacks.

During this process, a company relies on a third party -of cybersecurity experts- to gain a partial and insightful view of its system and identify potential vulnerabilities, which can involve running an automated scan or employing manual pentesting techniques such as direct hacking.

However, not all pentests are equal. Let's analyze the three types of tests that exist -black box, gray box, and white box- and understand their unique roles in securing the digital field.

Black Box Pentesting, between the unknown and the real-world cyberattack simulations

Imagine a scenario where a skilled hacker is given minimal information about a system and tasked with uncovering vulnerabilities. That's the essence of black box penetration testing. This testing methodology involves exploring the unknown, relying solely on the tester's skills and ingenuity, without providing any credentials whatsoever. By simulating a real-world cyberattack, black box testing provides a holistic view of a system's vulnerabilities.

Key characteristics:

  • Limited knowledge of the target system. This means that the ethical hacker may take longer to discover certain vulnerabilities, as they need to invest time in understanding how to access the system first.
  • Mimics real-world cyberattacks.
  • Requires deep expertise and creativity.
  • Uncovers vulnerabilities from an outsider's perspective.

Gray Box Pentesting, striking a balance

As we move along the spectrum, gray box penetration testing strikes a balance between the unknown and the known. Testers possess partial information about the target system, often resembling the knowledge an insider might have. This approach enables a more targeted assessment, simulating an attack from both internal and external perspectives.

Key characteristics:

  • Partial knowledge of the target system.
  • Blends elements of black box and white box testing.
  • Provides a balanced view of internal and external threats.
  • Ideal for assessing specific vulnerabilities with contextual insights.

White Box Pentesting, where transparency is the key

In the world of white box penetration testing, transparency is key. Also known as clear box or glass box testing, this methodology grants testers full knowledge of the target system, including architecture, source code, and network infrastructure. This comprehensive view allows for a meticulous examination of vulnerabilities, offering a deeper understanding of the system's security posture.

Key characteristics:

  • Full knowledge of the target system.
  • Examines source code, architecture, and infrastructure.
  • Enables a thorough and precise assessment.
  • Ideal for organizations seeking a detailed and in-depth security analysis.

Choosing the right type of pentest for your business

For a better understanding, you can consider this comparative table that offers a clear and concise overview of their distinct knowledge levels, simulation approaches, perspectives, and scopes:


In addition to these approaches, selecting the appropriate penetration testing methodology depends on more factors, including organizational goals, the nature of the system, and compliance requirements. Black box testing is like a blindfolded journey, gray box testing adds a touch of insider knowledge, and white box testing unveils the system's inner workings.

These considerations are the key for selecting the right penetration testing methodology—black box, gray box, or white box:


In conclusion, the choice between black box, gray box, and white box testing is not a matter of one-size-fits-all but rather a strategic decision tailored to the unique needs and challenges of each organization.

It’s important to highlight that penetration testing often follows a progressive path. It's quite common for companies to start with the Black box approach, venturing into the unknown, and gradually progressing to Gray box and White box testing. This phased strategy allows organizations to delve deeper into the discovery of vulnerabilities, aligning their security measures with evolving threats.

When considering a penetration testing strategy, it is important to collaborate only with suppliers who are absolutely trustworthy. The detailed insights gained during the process expose the inner workings of your system, making trustworthiness a key.

For a partner you can rely on, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to assist you and find the perfect cybersecurity strategy tailored to your needs.

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