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Strike was present at EkoParty 2023

min read
October 31, 2023

A new edition of Ekoparty, the largest hacking summit in Latin America, returned to the Buenos Aires Convention Center from November 1st to 3rd, to welcome over ten thousand people from all over the world. Whether they were taking their first steps in cybersecurity, looking to advance their careers, or interested in delving into the world of computer security, the event had something for everyone.

Throughout the three days of the event, research findings were shared, conferences were held, and there were opportunities for those looking to learn more about how to defend themselves on the internet.

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The theme of this edition was "Hack the Planet", with a "nineties" vibe, emulating the signal that the characters from the 1995 movie "Hackers" received on their beepers. There was room to tinker with "vintage" items, including the public phones that used to be found on the streets.

Strike proudly participated by setting up a booth that showcased its pentesting solutions. It was an opportunity to engage with cybersecurity professionals, share insights, and connect with enthusiasts who are passionate about cybersecurity.


This presence at Ekoparty underlined Strike's dedication to pushing the boundaries of innovation and commitment to staying at the forefront of cybersecurity excellence.

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On the first day of the event, our Head of Strikers, Javier Bernardo, had the honor of delivering the opening talk. With a wealth of experience in the cybersecurity industry, Javier shared intriguing insights, setting the tone for an event that truly celebrated innovation, knowledge, and collaboration in the world of cybersecurity.


In addition, our Strikers Engineer, Genaro Franceschelli, took the stage with a talk titled "I know the path to your heart - Exploring apps through their Javascripts." During his presentation, Genaro delved deep into the intricacies of app exploration through their JavaScripts, analyzing source code for API keys, endpoints, and user-related insights. His insightful talk not only showcased the depth of knowledge within our team but also provided valuable insights into web application security.


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