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7 red flags that may indicate your company is exposed

7 red flags that may indicate your company is exposed

As we navigate digitalization, one critical concern takes center stage - cybersecurity. The potential consequences of a security breach, whether it involves our invaluable data or the core systems driving our operations, are too significant to be ignored.

Spotting the signals indicating exposure in a timely manner is essential to safeguard the integrity of the company and the sensitive information we handle.

Here are some key signs that might suggest your company is facing a risky situation:

1. Changes in system behavior: If you suddenly notice slowness or instability in the systems, or if programs start behaving erratically, these could be signs that something is amiss. Cybercriminals often leave traces in digital infrastructure, and these behavior changes can be an early warning.

2. Unusual activities in user accounts: Observing unusual access patterns or repeated failed login attempts in user accounts may indicate an intrusion attempt. It's important to be alert to any activity that seems out of the ordinary.

3. Suspicious correspondence or phishing: If people in the organization or company start receiving suspicious emails or messages, especially those requesting confidential information or login details, it could be a phishing attempt. Ongoing education on how to recognize these emails is crucial.

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4. Unauthorized changes in settings: Any unauthorized changes in system, software, or network settings should be taken seriously. Cyber attackers often try to alter configurations to ease their access or hide their activities.

5. Excessive resource usage: If you notice unusually high usage of network or system resources, it could indicate someone is attempting to exploit vulnerabilities or carry out malicious operations.

6. Activity at critical entry points: It's important to pay attention to any unusual activity at critical entry points, such as firewalls or intrusion detection systems. These are common targets for cybercriminals seeking network access.

7. Decline in service quality: If your online services or mobile applications experience a noticeable decline in quality, they may be under a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack designed to overload systems and make them inaccessible.

Identifying these signals in a timely manner can make a significant difference between avoiding an attack and facing a potentially costly response.

Training teams to recognize these signals and having an effective response strategy in place are fundamental steps to ensure the integrity of your financial company in this ever-evolving digital environment.

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