World-class manual pentesting enhanced by technology
Strikers are highly skilled cybersecurity experts that will help you find vulnerabilities with impact. Using Strike’s self-service platform, they will report findings in real time and help you to fix them.

Full Flexibility
Scope can be changed once a pentest has started if there is the need to do so. Strikers will adjust their activity as necessary.
Smart assignation
The striker assigned to you will be exactly the one you need. Strike’s team will pick it considering the industry your company is in and the tech stack you use.
Real-time reports
Forget about waiting for the end of a pentest to discover your vulnerabilities. Get a notification every time a vulnerability is found.
Top Certifications
All strikers have world renowned certifications. Those are OSCP, OSCE, OSWE, eCPPTv2, eCPTX, eWPTxv2, among others.
Next-level Hall of Fame
Strikers are on the Cybersecurity Hall of Fame of the biggest ones: Google, Microsoft, Meta, Amazon, PayPal, among others.
Great vulnerability hunters
Many strikers also work on bug bounty platforms such as HackerOne or BugCrowd and they are on the Top 100 all time leaderboard ranking.
Continuous validation
New ethical hackers are joining our waitlist every day. We onboard the top 1% and constantly challenge them so you can work with the best ones.
Strikers community is so diverse that every company can find the right match. They came from every corner of the world to work with you.
Fluid communication
Expect hearing news from your strikers at least twice a week. Chat with them if necessary to get suggestions on how to fix every finding.
Make cybersecurity part of your software development cycle
Strike’s pentesting is designed to help you be proactive in fixing every vulnerability found. You will get a real-time alert with every finding with suggestions on how to solve it. Export them to Jira to convert them into actionable tasks.

The most flexible and transparent pentest you can ever find.
Pentesting scope is not set in stone. Feel free to change the objectives and targets of any pentest while it’s being executed. Use Strike’s self-serving platform to interact with your strikers and make them always aware of your priorities.

Ready-for-compliance report is always downloadable
Instead of asking for a report at the end of your pentest, you can download it anytime you want. The report is automatically generated with all the findings your strikers have reported. Use it to help your company get through compliance processes.